report that our Blue Planet is the most beautiful sight from
Space. Earth's wispy atmosphere silhouetted by blue oceans and
continental plains are a welcome contrast against the frigid
blackness of Space.
Among Earth's
most unique qualities are its moderate temperature range, oceans
of liquid water and atmosphere.
The nearest solar
system, Proxima Centauri, is but a scant 4.2 light years
away (25 trillion miles).
Of our eight
planetary neighbors in the solar system, none of them is even
remotely hospitable to life:
- Mars' thin atmosphere lowers
the boiling point of water so much that liquid water cannot exist
on its surface. At night, temperatures plunge to 190 degrees
below zero, even at its equator.
- Venus, nearest in size to
our own planet contains no oceans to dissolve its excess carbon
dioxide. Its runaway greenhouse effect produces horrific 215
mph winds (3 times greater than hurricane force) and a blistering
surface temperature of over 800 degrees.
- Pluto, furthest away of all
the planets is so cold that its atmosphere lies frozen on its
- Neptune and Uranus, twin
worlds in eternal night and perpetual cold are each surrounded
by an unbreathable atmosphere of methane gas and ammonia vapor.
- Saturn, an intriguing planet
with its many moons and rings of cosmic particles has a temperature
close to 270 degrees below zero. Ice lies 15,000 miles deep below
its surface.
- Giant Jupiter
has gigantic cliffs of lava and ice with hydrogen flaming at
the tops. The atmospheric pressure is unimaginable; thousands
of pounds to the square inch. Nothing couldn't survive there.
- Nor could anyone
live on Mercury, nearest planet to the sun. It has no
air and the temperature at its equator is that of molten lead.
- Even our Moon,
almost the same distance as the Earth from the Sun, soars to
270 degrees by day and plummets to 240 degrees below zero by
The sheer volume
and interconnectedness of life sustaining improbabilities on
Earth is awe-inspiring.
Of all the planetary
bodies in all the trillions of miles in our corner of the Milky
Way Galaxy to choose from, Earth is the only planet that any
living thing could call home.
- Possible
Based upon these facts, what can be inferred about the cause
or Causer of life on Planet Earth? Let's review the evidence:
- CLUE #5.
- Ideal orbit
- Ideal surface
recycling (more)
- Ideal atmosphere
- Ideal planetary
physics (mass, rotational velocity) (more)
- Ideal climate
regulator (Moon) (more)
- Ideal weather
- Ideal energy
source (more)
- Ideal meteorite
deflector (Jupiter) (more)
- Ideal liquid
- Ideal Greenhouse
Effect (more)
- Ideal magnetosphere
- CLUE #6:
- Living things
- human, flora and fauna
- The Super-genius
of DNA
- Ideal protein
- Ideal carbon
- CLUE #7:
- Abundance
and variety of foods
- Abundance
of materials for shelter
- Abundance
of materials for clothing
- Abundance
of natural recreation
- The beauty
and wonder of Nature satisfying to all the senses
- Tame species
of animals (as pets)
- Summary
- The study of
the cosmos, Earth and the life on Earth comprises the sum total
of our scientific knowledge. The characteristics and qualities
that scientists typically attribute to Nature and its laws are:
methodical, logical, rational, structured and orderly.
It is unlikely
that random or chance forces could organize the complex, systematic
interoperation of meticulously regulated processes as within
a single cell, the human body, the Earth or the cosmos. Nor has
it been proven how life could have spontaneously created itself.
It is also unlikely
that random forces could generate life forms capable of intelligence,
order and purpose attributes which chance forces
do not themselves possess.
Reason: Whoever or whatever
caused creation is All-Purposeful
The evidence
in nature reveals a cause or Causer who creates
with power, intelligence and purpose.
But what further
details can be deduced about our specific origin and purpose?
Do our limitations as mortal beings amplify our need for the
cause or Causer to reveal its purposes to
Is it reasonable
to expect that a wise Creator would communicate His purpose to
His creation? |
- ...And If So...How?