S  p  e  c  t  a  c  u  l  a  r     i  n
E  v  e  r  y     W  a  y
Evidence of the Creator's 'trademark' in Nature?


It's one of the rarest substances in the Solar System...without it —life would cease to exist...

...It has the strangest properties of any compound known to modern chemistry...

...It's the only known substance that is lighter as a solid —than as a liquid...

...In fact, in solid form, it actually floats (and if it didn't —we would all be dead!)...

...It's a simple enough molecule to permeate every living tissue —yet strong enough to dissolve minerals...

...It's the major component of all living things...

...It's mass is lighter than most gases in the atmosphere —yet is dense enough to carry the largest ships...

*  *  *

Yes, it's water...and it's the most abundant substance on Earth.


ature and its laws are not without tell-tale signs of awesome workmanship. Are these yet more clues to our mysterious origin?

A Most Peculiar Planet
While few of us have ever ventured beyond the life-giving protection of Earth's atmosphere, it's common knowledge that deep Space is a hostile zone for living things. And life is so fragile...living things thrive only within very narrow limits of temperature range, atmospheric chemistry, barometric pressure, gravity, availability of liquid water and nutrient-rich food supplies.

Few may realize the elaborate network of critical physiological processes required for life to exist on a geologically-active rock —hurling through Space. Environmentalists are now discovering how a deficiency in any one area can produce detrimental effects that could spell disaster for all life. Yet our Habitat exhibits an amazing resiliency and capacity for abuse.

But this is not the case with our sister planets. None of them is even remotely equipped to sustain life. What makes Earth so unique?


To begin with, we occupy the perfect lane as we race around our Sun and we're the perfect distance from it. Venus, for example, on our left, is far too hot and Mars, on our right, is far too cold.

Earth has the ideal tilt on its axis (23.5 degrees), which gives us our Seasons. If Earth had no tilt, we'd have just one season year 'round (bor-ing).

Earth has the right mass, gravitationally, to hold onto an atmosphere rich in oxygen and nitrogen (and a few other things). If Earth had less mass, its wonderful atmosphere would drift off into Space. If we had more mass, we'd have too much gravity (and we would look funny). Rather than walking —we'd probably be crawling.

Here's a sample of just some of the peculiar features that make our Planet so unusually habitable:

- Ideal plate tectonics; Earth is the only planet that recycles its crust
- Ideal atmosphere shields us from cosmic rays and insulates us from frigid Space with a thermal blanket.
- Ideal planetary physics (ideal mass, ideal orbit, ideal rotational velocity)
- Ideal climate regulator (the Moon)
- Ideal weather
- Ideal temperature (59 degrees)
- Ideal energy source (the Sun)
- Ideal meteorite deflector (Jupiter)
- Ideal replenishable food sources
- Ideal magnetosphere

The Earth maintains many ideal life-support factors...the list goes on and on. Some deserve particular notice, for example:

The Greenhouse Effect
We all know that Space is an airless and frigid place. So how does the Earth stay so warm? By the Sun's heat? Not exactly...

The Sun emits radiation in the forms of visible light rays, X-rays and cosmic rays. The high wavelengths of the Sun's visible light rays allow them to burn right through Earth's atmosphere before bouncing off the surface back into Space.

But as the sun's rays reach the Earth's surface (i.e., trees, soil, oceans, etc.), Earth performs a really cool trick...

Earth's surface actually transforms the wavelength of the sun's rays —from visible light to infrared light.

Then, as the infrared rays are deflected off the Earth's surface (towards space), their slower wavelength cannot penetrate through the Earth's atmosphere. These deflected rays are then trapped and absorbed (by CO2 and water vapor) as heat energy. 

...and Earth redistributes that heat all over its surface. (Now is that cool - or what!)

The list of favorable phenomena unique to our home planet is inexhaustible. In the hostile void of deep space this raises the question: How did all the peculiarly favorable aspects of our Habitat come to be?
There are only two possibilities...
1. Either the Universe created itself and our Habitat is merely a highly improbable development by chance evolution...
2. Or, the Universe was in fact, supernaturally created by a Higher Entity. 
Let's explore these possibilities further, but first let's consider...

Does Nature Provide Any Clues as to Our Origin?


Home   Ÿ   Part ONE: Crucial Questions   Ÿ Part TWO: Innate Awareness - Universal?   Ÿ Part THREE: A Rational Universe?   Ÿ Part FOUR: Message From Beyond - Genuine?   Ÿ Part FIVE: Grave Crisis?   Ÿ Part SIX: Relationship or Religion?   Ÿ Part SEVEN: The Bible vs. Worldly Christianity  Ÿ Part EIGHT: The Creator's Strategic Plan   Ÿ Science vs. Scientists  Ÿ Surrogate Creator   Ÿ Resources   Ÿ Text References   Ÿ Contact Us